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3D Care Services - a leading provider of domiciliary care, and support within Supported Living schemes and community environments.

About 3D Care Services

Overview of our intention

The delivery of Care and Support Services that we offer is intended to be a flexible qualitative service that best meets the individual requirements and outcomes of our customers/service users.


Our customers/service users being individuals who may require care and/or support due to their mental health needs or those with Learning Disabilities.


Access to our services is based upon the criteria of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 Regulated Activities and the Care Act 2014 therefore allowing our customers/ service users to access a range of daily living activities which ensure their wellbeing and are necessary to remain independent and productive citizens.


Our service is based on the need for assistance with personal care and support activities, which can include, assisting with bathing, toileting, washing, dressing etc. and support to live independently within a supported living setting such as assisting to undertake shopping, domestic or laundry duties and assisting with benefits, social activities and escort duties to colleges, work placements and other community facilities.


3D Care Services will undertake for all customers/ service users a full assessment of the individuals care and support needs and a Person-Centred Care Plan will be implemented. This will ensure outcome-based care and support is delivered that can be flexible enough to meet individual requirements.


Discussions with the individual, their family and were applicable outside agencies will be sought prior to the service being delivered. 


It is possible that people’s assessment may well fluctuate and therefore a flexible service as far as is practicable is being provided.

Our Main Objectives

To make a positive difference by providing a quality service through the provision of highly trained, fully compliant and experienced staff: The cornerstones of our success is our robust recruitment process and the training that we offer to all our employees.


To ensure that care provision is personalised and delivered in accordance with regulations and the diverse requirements of our customers. We constantly strive to respect the individuality of Customers, promote their independence, dignity and safety; respect the privacy and personal choices, lifestyles, customs, cultures and values.


We seek to do this by:


C – Create opportunities to best access the local community

A – Achieve for people realistic goals and fulfil dreams and aspirations

R – Relate to people as individuals with their own intrinsic values

E – Encourage and support diversity, culture and beliefs

Our Aims and Objectives

We believe that everyone should be treated individually regardless of their social, economic or personal backgrounds. Our ethos is therefore the following:


·To promote maximum Independence

·To have zero tolerance against harm and abuse

·To promote a good quality of life

·To always respect people’s dignity and privacy

·To offer choice from a range of options so to encourage a good life

·To deliver holistic person-centred service so that people can live well


Our Values:


An individual’s right to privacy involves being free from intrusion or unwelcome attention.



The right to dignity involves recognizing the intrinsic value of people as individuals and the specific nature of each person’s particular needs.



Allowing individuals, the opportunity to think, plan, act and take sensible, calculated risks without continual reference to others.



In providing services to those with disabilities, there is a difficult balance to be struck between assisting them to experience as much independence as possible and making sure they are not exposed to unnecessary hazards. Taking care of the security of Customers therefore means helping to provide an environment and support structure which offers sensible protection from danger and readily available assistance when required. This should not be interpreted as a demand for a totally safe or risk-free lifestyle; taking reasonable risks can be interesting, exciting and fun, as well as necessary.


Civil Rights

We aim to assist our customers to continue to enjoy their civil rights.



Choice consists of the opportunity to select independently from a range of options, and we will avoid, as much as is possible, a patterned service provision, which leads to compulsory timings for activities.



This has been defined as the opportunity to realise personal aspirations and abilities. It recognizes and responds to levels of human satisfaction separate from the physical and material, but it is difficult to generalise about fulfilment as it deals with precisely those areas of lifestyle where individuals differ from each other.



Britain’s social care services are used by people from a wide diversity of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Services therefore need to be accessible, and we will make efforts to reach out to vulnerable people who might have been deterred from approaching agencies which appear not to relate to their special needs and aspirations; and to demonstrate that we welcome and celebrate the wide range of people in the community generally and among the users of our services.

We look forward to welcoming you soon!

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