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Nature Reflecting on Crystal Glass

Policies and Procedures

We believe in our staff and clients sharing trust & transparency, so please find some of our policies and procedures below, to download.


For any more information on other policies and procedures, please get in touch.

Image by Markus Spiske
Image by Markus Spiske

Complaints Policy

Policy Statement

The law requires care providers to have an effective system in place to identify, receive, handle and respond appropriately to complaints and comments made by service users, or persons acting on their behalf. 


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Image by Markus Spiske
Image by Markus Spiske

Health & Safety

Policy Statement

The organisation recognises its responsibility to ensure that all reasonable precautions are taken to provide and maintain working conditions which are safe, healthy and compliant with all statutory requirements and codes of organisation, including the statutory duty on employers to conduct regular health and safety risk assessments.


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Image by Markus Spiske
Image by Markus Spiske

Infections Policy

Policy Statement

This agency believes that adherence to strict guidelines on infection control is of paramount importance in ensuring the safety of both service users and staff. It also believes that good, basic hygiene is the most powerful weapon against infection, particularly with respect to hand washing.

The organisation adheres fully to The Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of Practice for Health and Adult Social Care on the Prevention and Control of Infections and Related Guidance.


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Image by Markus Spiske

Care of Service Users

Policy Statement

This agency will ensure that each service user has an individual plan of care which will provide the outline of the care to be delivered.

The plan will be drawn up on the basis of a thorough assessment of the prospective service user’s needs, abilities and aspirations. This will be based on a summary of the care plan prepared under care management arrangements, the relevant plan produced under the Care Programme Approach, or an assessment made by the agency's own staff.


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Image by Markus Spiske

Safeguarding: From
Abuse & Harm

Policy Statement

This policy is written to show how this care service protects its service users from abuse or harm in line with its legal requirements and best safeguarding practice guidance, particularly Regulation 13: Safeguarding Service Users from Abuse and Improper Treatment of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. It should be read and used in association with a range of other policies designed to make sure that users are safe from abuse and the risks of their coming to harm are kept to the minimum and well managed.


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Image by Markus Spiske

Safeguarding: Vulnerable Users

Policy Statement

This policy is consistent with the care service’s commitment to making sure that its service users are kept safe at all times and on all the occasions that the service is responsible for the person’s care and wellbeing.


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